Can be performed together with the nose job, without the need for another procedure.
Can be performed together with the nose job, without the need for another procedure.
The cosmetic issues mentioned above can also cause obstructions in the nasal air passages. These can be corrected at the same time as the rhinoplasty, without the need for another procedure. Corrections include, for example, straightening of the nasal septum and reductions in the size of the nasal turbinates.
Any existing sinus disease can be treated along with the cosmetic rhinoplasty. A minimally invasive sinus operation causes as little trauma as possible.
A broad range of corrective procedures is possible in the field of rhinoplasty.
As a rule, cosmetic procedures involving the nasal skeleton can only be performed once the growth phase has ended, i.e. after the age of 17. Every nose is unique in its shape and therefore must be considered in the light of its distinctive anatomy. Standard operations usually produce only modest results, hence it is vital that the patient’s expectations are discussed in detail and the anatomical features precisely analysed. Dr Hundt uses computer simulation which allows patients to see the expected results before the operation and take the printout home to look at again at their leisure.
Apart from the long humped noses frequently encountered, which can be corrected by removing bone and cartilage from the bridge of the nose, many noses are too wide or project at an unattractive angle to the upper lip. Many others are crooked or asymmetrical. In many of these cases, nasal breathing is obstructed as well and additional procedures need to be performed on deeper parts of the nose.
Rhinoplasty step by step
The operation is usually carried out under general anaesthesia, unless there are very exceptional circumstances. Depending on the patient’s condition, the operation is performed either on an in-patient basis (with a stay of up to two days) or out-patient basis. The incision is made inside the nose, which means that there will be no visible scars on the outside. Once portions of bone have been removed, a tape/splint bandage must be worn permanently for 14 days. The patient then needs to tape their nose overnight for a further four weeks. Patients are usually presentable enough to return to work and their normal social life about two weeks after surgery.
Computer simulation
A computer simulation is always carried out prior to surgery, no matter what the exact nature of the procedure, e.g. correction of a nasal hump, reduction in the size of the nose. This enables internationally renowned ENT specialist Dr Thomas Hundt to show his patients what the result is likely to be and which alterations are actually feasible.
There is no other surgical procedure that involves the same range and variety of variables. They include:
Of course, every patient has their own expectations as to their appearance. Computer simulation is used prior to surgery to show which possibilities are medically feasible and justified. Even with cosmetic rhinoplasty, the functionality of the organ will always be the top priority.
Please feel free to contact us for an in-depth consultation with a renowned rhinoplasty expert. You will receive a printout of the computer simulation to take home with you at your first examination, so that you can get used to the look of your new nose before the operation. We need to point out, however, that it is not possible to produce the exact changes as shown in the image to the millimetre. No surgeon can guarantee that. But if you feel that you need rhinoplasty, the simulation will help you make the final decision.
How much a rhinoplasty operation costs is entirely dependent on the patients individual situation. After an in-depth initial consultation, Dr Hundt will be able to tell you how much you are likely to pay.
Temporary reshaping
Smaller humps or minor dips can be treated by injecting filling agents. In such cases, the irregularities of the nose are merely concealed. Fillers are used for these procedures, and the results last between one and two years.